Thursday, May 21, 2009

~ Stitched Last Night ~

Last night was our SAL. I just love Yule Sampler...... to me this stitch has a folk art look to it. Isn't Santa the cutest and how sweet is the little red bird....
We are stitching one row a week, this week we are stitching the row below Santa, it'll be quick.....Have a great day, Linda


Nancy said...

Oh Linda, that is just going to be so cute. It is such fun that you have your friends to share stitching evenings.

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

I've been trying to get here to see the reunion! I truly believe the 50's was a magnificent decade!!

What a wonderful time that group was having!! You look beautiful two are a very handsome couple!

I admire the ladies who can sit on the floor like that. My mother could do that at her 50th. I couldn't do it at my 40th!!LOL

Anonymous said...

This is an adorable sampler. What a fun way to stitch.

Back Through Time said...

that is going to be too cute! I love all your stitchier work. btw~You looked very pretty for Carl's reunion. Sounds like you had a great time.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and if you go check out my blog you can see that I am a Mimi now:-)
We can chat soon and I can fill you in on the details!

ohiofarmgirl said...

Linda, I love the sampler....I is so cosy feeling. Dianntha

Kelli said...

So sweet! I love the little red bird. Have a wonderful long weekend!

Anonymous said...

That looks so cute. Thanks for the play by play of your stitchery. It makes it so much fun.
Mama Bear

Eggs In My Pocket said...

I wondered how you decided on how much to stitch and if every one keeps up with every one else. I just love your stitching group! blessings,Kathleen

joyh82 said...

I bet that group is a lot of fun and I am sure whatever you work on will turn out fantastic!

Heidi said...

Hi Linda! It has been too long since I visited. I am not online as much since I am really sick from the complications of the therapy I had in March. I see you are making an adorable sampler. I have never seen this chart before. It looks like a fun stitch and doing it with your group always makes it that much more fun.

Hugs ~

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I used to belong to a stitching group...many years ago..but I loved it. Your group made me remember those fun days!