Thursday, November 1, 2007


I can't believe it's November already. It just seems like yesterday I was decorating for Halloween, and now I'm tucking everything away until next year. I do a little decorating for November, do you, or are you already thinking Christmas? Well I better get busy......wishing you a great day, and Happy November 1st . Linda


FarmHouse Style said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday:) So I will not gear-up for Christmas until the day after.

I am looking to really spruce up this year. I have seen lots of lovely pictures which have provided me with inspriation.

Hope you had a great Halloween.


Mockingbird Hill said...

Like you, I am getting the Halloween stuff out of the way and moving on to Thanksgiving! Not too much, but just enough to keep that Fall much as I can keep in Florida!

Thanks for joining my Bloglandia Party yesterday...what fun! And, I'm so glad you liked Andi's was one of my favorite things...


Sweet Remembrance said...

I love November...
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days! Can't be all the food??

Dena said...

In my house we rush right past Thanksgiving and woosh in Christmas. I'm already planning to yank it all out today :)


Flea Market Queen said...

Happy November to you too...

Lena said...

I do a little decorating for this month, but I like to keep it simple. November is such a lovely, quiet month. I like to celebrate that aspect of it.

Nunnie's Attic said...

Well I want a prettier, more cohesive decorating theme this year. Not necessarily new stuff. Just organized better. So I guess I should really be starting now...


Rosemary said...

I am still packing away the Halloween extravaganza. Now I will decorate for Thanksgiving. I love it. I think it gets skipped over too much. I have some lovely vintage Thanksgiving decor that I can't wait to put out.

Scrappy Moments said...

Linda Happy Nov. 1rst. The Bats & Vampires are going down tommorow & The Turkeys & Pilgrims are taking over. Luckily I have alot of Fall Leaves and Scarecrows That I put up for Halloween that I can Just Leave out :) I start My Christmas Decorating the Day after Thanksgving & Avoid the Stores the Day aftre Thansgiving :)


Anonymous said...

Since I live in Canada we celebrated Thanksgiving in October. Now I am gearing up to decorate for Christmas. Once the white stuff hits the ground I will be pulling out the decorations to see what needs to be repaired or if I need to add anything.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I keep the fall theme going. I really don't decorate for Halloween. So, my pumpkins are not carved....I just have fall decor, until the day after Thanksgiving. Then Christmas decorations come out.
Penny said...

Candy Floss, spun sugar, all light and fluffy and sticky on a stick,is that Cotton Candy? Funny how we have different names for things:)

Michelle said...

I'm taking Halloween down this weekend and then its Turkey time! The day after Thanksgiving, it's Christmas decorating. I hope you had a wonderful November 1st :)

12 Days of Christmas Swap said...

I have just popped in to visit -love your blog! Hugs-Liz

Ragged Roses said...

Hello thanks for visiting my blog! It seems like you had a great Halloween. No decorating for me in November just lots of crafting for Christmas!

Maggie said...

Happy November to you too. Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. It's seems impossible that November is already here and it's time to think of Christmas planning. I shall return.

Anonymous said...

I usually decorate fall all during Oct and Nov. I have very few scary things. This year im thinking Christmas because I have two ladies coming to visit in late Nov. for some Christmas shopping. I will get it out for them.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Hi Linda,
I generally just decorate for fall except for the pumpkin that my dd carved...I don't have the heart to get rid of it yet!

It's nice to know that I'm not the only child raising an only child...we are kind of unique aren't we? Finally, someone who is just like me!

Have a great weekend!
Love, Kim

Whimsy Pink said...

I really am thinking and creating christmas already!