Sunday, October 14, 2007

"You Make Me Smile" Award

What a very sweet surprise and honor to receive the " You Make Me Smile" Award. Michell at BACK THROUGH TIME,and Robin at BITTERSWEET PUNKIN both nominated me. Thank you so very much.

I've met so many friendly, sweet ladies in the short time I've been blogging, I feel truly blessed. I love connecting with others in a way I never thought possible.

The rules to this are to pass this award to 10 other ladies. There are so many blogs I enjoy and that put a smile in my heart, I wish I could give this award to each and everyone of you.......but here is my list.

Rhonda Jean at Down-To-Earth
Esther at Esthers Sunday's Journal
Rhonda at Farmhouse Style
Deb at Homespun Living
Michelle at I'm a Little Teapot
Jen at Jen's Country Home
Penny at Little Penpen
Rosemary at Rosespetitemaison
Rachael at The Rose Room
Priscilla at Priscilla's Cottage

These are just a few of the many blogs that touch me and put a smile on my face......please pass this on. Linda

"I am a part of all that I have touched and that has touched me."

Thomas Wolfe


Esther Sunday said...

Oh, my goodness, you sweetpea, you! Thank you, thank you! Just knowing that I have made you smile is award enough for me! It is an honor to be been included with all those other lovely bloggers. I love coming to "see you" Linda! Love, Esther

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Congrats on the do make me smile too!

BittersweetPunkin said...

You always make me smile!

Little Penpen said...

How sweet to be nominated for the award. I am glad I found "you" in blog land, as you make me smile too!

Rosemary said...

Hi again,
Just wanted to make sure this comment got posted. Thanks so much for the blog award. That was so sweet of you. Glad I make you smile.
I added you to my list of blogs to visit. I hope that is OK with you.
Paris flea market is about every 2 months. Not sure about the winter.
Have a great day, and thanks again,

Artifax said...

Hi there!

Sorry for posting here, but I couldn't seem to locate an email addy for you.

I'm so glad you are enjoying the paper dress fashion show! There's no surefire way to find swaps, but there is a new site, SwapDex (it's on my blog sidebar) that is growing quickly and has lists of current swaps.

And congrats on your award!!!

Sharon said...

I love the header you have on your blog..........I just found you but will be back often. Congrads on the award adn I do have a smile on my face.............Sharon K

Nunnie's Attic said...

Congratulations on your award!


Michelle said...

Oh Linda,

Thank you so much for the smile award - you made my day and your blog always makes me smile :)

Have a wonderful day!

FarmHouse Style said...

Thank you Linda for the Smile Award. You certainly made me smile:)


Monica said...

Hi Linda,
I couldnt find an email address for you. If I could get you to andswer a few questions and email me ,I can get you all signed up for the swap.
Thanks ,

Color schemes for your tree and home?
Do you have a theme? Is it traditional ,vintage ,glitzy so forth….
Willing to ship inernational?

Your name, email and blog name(if you have one)

Anonymous said...

Well, make that three awards, because you are well deserving of yet another!

Come on by my blog, you made my Fab 40 list!

You have made me smile so I am happy to have you in the list!

homespun living said...

Linda, thank you! You are so kind to include me, and I am honored. I must admit though, that I am most undeserving as I never seem to pass on awards or do memes (I'm a hopeless partypooper!).
Thank you again!


Jen said...

OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH! How could this not make a person smile :>)
It is such an honor to have met such wonderful friends in blogland! I am so glad to be a part of blogland now! Thanks again for the award!

Jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alison Gibbs said...

Hi Linda, Thanks for visiting my blog. You Make me Smile is a great award. Blogging is such fun.

Lisa Johnson said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love Oregon, but have loads of family in Southern California. Glad you enjoyed my blog, now it's my turn to check out yours.


Seeb said...

thank you for your comment & I agree with your list.

Teresa said...

Congratulations on your award!! :)) When I visit I feel like a welcomed guest at your home!

Priscilla said...

Oh Thank you so much for the award! I am smiling now too, smiles all round, blogging makes me happy and I am pleased I make you smile! I have sent you an email too, talk soon

Priscilla x

Rhonda Jean said...

I'm a party pooper too. I've only just come across this. Thank you, Linda. : )